OPEN mark Earth Day 2022 by powering down.

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Here at OPEN Media we proudly launched our PPP (People, Planet, Place) Strategy for 2022 at the start of the year. With this strategy at the heart of everything we do, we’ve been seeking out ways to take better care of our planet, and commit to helping others to do the same.

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Earth Day 2022.



With that in mind, today is Earth Day, with the theme #InvestInOurPlanet for 2022. To invest in our planet, we’re acknowledging the energy usage of our screens, and committing to ‘OPEN Disconnects’- powering down our premium OPEN Connect sites between 12am-6am going forward. Impacts are at their lowest during these hours, and offers an ideal time to reduce campaigns’ carbon footprints by powering down network-wide through the night.

By switching the screens off for 6 hours per night we will save on average just short of 1 tonne (0.94) of CO2e per night.

This is the rough equivalent of:

  • 2 economy flights from Amsterdam to Rome (Climate Neutral Group).
  • 500 CO2 fire extinguishers (Climate Neutral Group).
  • One person going vegan for one year (Flightfree).

Earth Day is marked by over one billion people worldwide, to raise awareness of and help to combat the current climate crisis where more than one million species are at risk of extinction if we don’t take immediate action and commit to sustainable development goals.

Going forward, we will be committing to make up the plays and impacts booked by calculating the impacts lost and making up for them at a peak time to boost reach. This gives our clients the opportunity to run a full campaign whilst being part of a unique, network-wide power saving initiative – without sacrificing impacts. This also provides a fantastic opportunity for clients to pro-actively choose a greener campaign and puts brands at the heart of a unique Earth Day campaign making a measurable difference going forward.

As OPEN Connect disconnects, we urge you to join us in this important work by reflecting on your carbon footprint this Earth Day, and looking at ways that we can invest in our planet. If you’re interested in using our Connect network, get in touch with one of our sales team here.

“As Operations and Sustainability Exec, I’m proud to have overseen this exciting new venture for our Connect network; seeing how OPEN can look forward and work towards a more sustainable future whilst still delivering high impact campaigns across the Connect network.

Please join us this Earth Day in reflecting on your carbon footprint and ways to be more efficient every day!”

Helena Houghton-Casella

Operations and Sustainability Executive